Parts of Ilkley Moor have been declared to be at high risk of fire.

The Met Office's official Fire Severity Index said parts of Ilkley Moor untouched by last summer's fire were at risk.

The official guide also declared a level four risk in its five-level scale for countryside around Middleton, Denton, Askwith, west of Ilkley, and around Otley, including woodland on The Chevin.

Last year's fire, which raged for a week on Ilkley Moor, started when the same high level risk was observed in the area during a long spell of hit and dry weather.

Level five, or exceptional' risk is the highest risk status in the index.

This level was declared across the wider Rombalds Moor area as well as other parts of Yorkshire last summer, just a few days before the Ilkley Moor fire.

During this level of fire risk, landowners may close certain areas to the public to protect the landscape, but a legal loophole prevents this taking place on Ilkley Moor.

The Met Office predicted the risk of fire on the moor would fall during the week, accompanying cooler weather and the possibility of rain.

Fire risks have generally been lower on the moor this year because of the wet weather, although a fire broke out in tinder-dry heather close to Ilkley Tarn in May.