Primary school pupils have recorded the district's best results in English, maths and science.

There was a marked rise in all three subjects in this year's Key Stage Two Standard Assessment Tests (SATS) - taken by ten and 11-year-olds.

Some 75 per cent of pupils attained Level Four - the expected standard, in English, alongside 73 per cent in maths and 82 per cent in science.

These figures compare favourably with last year's results. Then, 73 per cent reached or bettered the Government benchmark in English, 68 per cent in maths and 78.3 per cent in science.

John Gaskin, Education Bradford's managing director, said he was "delighted" - adding Bradford's results had improved by a "significantly greater amount" than the national average.

He said: "We congratulate all the pupils who sat Key Stage Two exams this year for their individual achievements and for contributing to the highest-ever results for the district."

"The most significant improvements have been in mathematics, which has increased by five per cent compared with 2006 and is now at 73 per cent.

"We are pleased that English has improved by two per cent to 75 per cent, although we recognised that we still need to achieve a greater rate of improvement in this crucial subject."

The district's national primary school ranking also jumped significantly on the back of this year's results. Last year Bradford was placed 149th from 150 local authorities. It is now up 12 places to 137th after posting the seventh most-improved results in the country.

The number of schools above the minimum level expected in English and maths (65 per cent) has also increased. A total of 89 primaries achieved this last year. This year the figure rose to 103.

Mr Gaskin added: "We are very pleased that these significant gains have been made and that the performance of schools and pupils has improved."

Kath Tunstall, strategic director of services to children and young people, said: "Congratulations to all pupils, parents, teaching and support staff who have helped achieve these excellent results."

Councillor Colin Gill (Con, Bingley), the Council's executive member for children's services, added: "To improve at such a greater rate than the national average is a fantastic reflection on Bradford."

Schools Minister Andrew Adonis paid tribute to the hard work of Bradford pupils and teachers.

He said: "The results published today show that Bradford has seen some of the most improved results in the country.

"More children in Bradford than ever before reached the target Level Four in English and maths - 75 per cent in English and 73 per cent in maths and 82 per cent in science - a highly significant achievement."

Bradford also posted the most-improved results among its "statistical neighbours" - local authorities of similar size and make-up - including Kirklees, Calderdale and Coventry.

However, Bradford's primary sector remains the worst in West Yorkshire with results which still lag behind this year's national average in all three subjects.

A total of 80 per cent of 11-year-olds across England attained Level Four in English, 77 per cent in maths and 88 per cent in science - the best result yet since SATs were introduced.
