Activists taking part in what is hoped to be the longest protest march in history will be coming to Bradford next week.

About 20 people from Christian Aid and the World Development Movement in the UK are travelling from Belfast to Scotland as part of the Cut the Carbon March.

From Scotland they plan to head south through England, detouring into Wales, visiting the Labour Party conference in Bournemouth in late September, before finishing in London in October.

The campaigners will arrive in Bradford on Monday, August 13, when they will march to the Morrisons headquarters in Gain Lane, Thornbury to discuss the company's carbon emissions policy and practice at 2pm.

Those interested can meet the marchers at 1pm for a picnic, although the Bradford World Development Group have stressed this is a low profile event.

The marchers will then continue on to Centenary Square, arriving at 3.30pm and staying until 6pm.

Volunteers are needed to help organise bicycle-powered electricity demonstrations, badge making, information and displays, petitions and refreshments.

To take part in the event, contact Alex Jones on (0113) 2444764, or 07816 749307.