Ilkley-based NG Bailey made a profit of more than £12 million last year following a surge in orders.

The building services provider grew operating profit by 37 per cent during the 12 month period to March 2, while net assets swelled to nearly £83 million.

Among the projects NG Bailey has been involved with are the Pier 6 development at Heathrow Airport's Terminal Three, the Scottish Natural Heritage headquarters and Doncaster Education City.

And last year the company began work on its biggest contract when it took on a £430 million project for St Helens and Knowsley NHS Trust to build two new hospitals in the area.

In the Bradford area, NG Bailey carried out mechanical and electrical work for the Primark store based in the Kirkgate Centre.

Mark Andrews, chief executive at NG Bailey, said: "It has been another good year for us, but the most pleasing aspect is that we have put more building blocks in place to secure our future prosperity.

"Our strategy for growth will enable us to maximise the opportunities that the developments within the UK construction industry are bringing. Demonstrating the benefits to our customers of a more integrated whole life' approach to buildings forms the cornerstone of our strategy for the next ten years.

"By combining our strengths and utilising the full breadth of our specialist capabilities, we will provide sustainable solutions that allow customers to maximise their value from buildings."

The rise in profits came despite a fall in turnover from £491 million to £467 million due to project phasing and came in line with predictions made by NG Bailey bosses last year.

The company also acquired a new business during the period, Maidenhead-based controls business ICS.

Nimble Thompson, chairman of NG Bailey, said: "Through both organic growth and acquisition we are now able to provide a tremendous range of capabilities that benefit customers and end users by way of reduced costs across the lifecycle of a building, and through greater construction efficiencies. Greater collaboration across the group has contributed towards our continued success."