A teenager who took part in robbing a 13-year-old boy of his mobile phone has been made the subject of a two-year supervision order and told to do 100 hours unpaid work for the community.

Khurham Mahmood, 18, of Washington Street, Girling-ton, was one of three youths who confronted the youngster and his friends in the Duckworth Lane area of Bradford in January.

Prosecutor Jayne Beckett told Bradford Crown Court yesterday that Mahmood, who had no previous convictions, told the teenager to give him a cigarette or he would stab him and he later went on to take the boy's mobile phone.

Mahmood ran off when the boy alerted family members in a nearby house, but was arrested at home a few days later.

Mahmood, who admitted the robbery charge, told police a younger boy had come up with the idea of robbing the teenager and he agreed to take part because he was bored.

He denied saying anything about stabbing the boy, but accepted the teenager looked scared.

The court heard a 16-year-old boy who was also involved in the robbery had had his case sent back to the youth court for sentence.

Judge Peter Benson told Mahmood he had committed a mean offence. He said: 'It may not have been your idea in the first place, but you were four or five years older than anyone else there.' Judge Benson said he should have known better and he had now lost his good character and brought shame on his family.

The judge said he hoped Mahmood had learned his lesson and warned him he could be locked up if he breached the terms of the community order.