Former pupils from Nab Wood Grammar School, Cottingley, are set to find out if there really is "life after 40".

Old boy Darren Starkey is organising a reunion for students who left the school in 1983 and are set to enter their fifth decade.

Teachers are also invited to attend the celebrations, which will be held at Bradford City FC's Bantams Bar on Saturday, September 22, from 7.30pm to 1am.

Current Nab Wood School teachers Ken Pollard and Stan Gerwitz are set to attend.

Mr Pollard said: "I can't believe the students of 1983 are 40 already! A party sounds like an excellent idea - I will definitely be there."

All proceeds raised on the night will be donated to the Manorlands Hospice.

Tickets will cost £5 and include entry to a disco. Numbers are strictly limited to 200. Former pupils born between 1966 and 1968 are welcome to attend.

The event's organisers would like to hear of any funny stories or receive old school photos to display on the night.

Contributions should be sent to Contact Mr Starkey at the same e-mail address to book tickets.