A self-employed community artist and his four-year-old daughter are displaying their artwork side by side during a prestigious arts competition in the district.

Tim Curtis, who started his own business after taking part in the Enterprise Island scheme's Creative Chall-enge in Bradford, is displaying two acrylic landscape paintings at the 2007 Bradford Open in Cartwright Hall.

Meanwhile, his daughter, Ella, is displaying her first pottery piece at the hall in the Young Open.

Mr Curtis, former deputy head teacher at Heaton Primary School, said: "Having my work shown in a prestigious gallery is a lifetime ambition of mine.

"I cannot describe how proud I am that Ella has joined me.

"My diary is already full with contracts for September, the rest of the autumn term and as far ahead as summer, 2008. Enterprise Island has given me a springboard to launch into self employment.

"It has empowered me to start my own business and provided valuable networks of inspiring people from fellow creative entrepreneurs to business people to advisors.

"I have never been happier than using 12 years of teaching experience to help groups produce art work of which they are proud."