Q Dear Kate, I don't know what's the matter with me but over the past couple of months I feel like I've changed.

I've got no energy, feel like I want to sleep all the time (but then can't), I get snappy with the kids, and I can't be bothered to look after the house or cook proper meals. Now the school holidays are here I don't know how I'll cope with the kids around all the time.

A I can very much relate to how you are feeling. The school holidays can be difficult for parents and school children alike, for a multitude of reasons. However, it sounds like they are going to be particularly difficult for you this summer. I strongly suggest you make an appointment to visit your GP as soon as possible. If you tell him exactly what you have told me I am almost certain he will diagnose you as suffering from depression. There are several treatments for this which he will be able to advise you on - and the sooner you receive treatment the sooner you will start to recover.

Make sure you call on any support networks you can to help you manage the children through the next six weeks: friends, family, clubs, groups or summer schools. Use whatever you can to keep them entertained and to make sure you have time and space to rest and deal with your health issues.