Work on a replacement gas mains is ahead of schedule, it was revealed.

United Utilities' £100,000 project to replace 800 metres of gas main along Skipton Road in Cross Hills started on July 9 and was expected to take 10 weeks to complete.

Despite heavy rain, the company hopes work will be finished ahead of time.

It has been using a time-saving technique which involves inserting new piping into old pipes.

Spokeswoman Polly Rourke said more than half of the new pipe was already in place and work had begun on filling holes.

She said insertion work would start on another section on Friday.

"We are well on schedule and are hoping to finish early. Everything is going very well," she said.

She said that residents and businesses were being given regular updates.

"Clearly there are businesses there and we need to get out of their hair as soon as possible," she said.