Controversial plans to build a children's centre in Skipton have been recommended for approval despite objections.

North Yorkshire County Council's Planning Committee will meet on Tuesday to decide whether the development at the Parish Church School on Brougham Street should go ahead.

The scheme involves demolishing the nursery school and single-storey classroom extensions and building a two-storey centre.

There is also provision for new access from Montgomery Street and the erection of two pre-fabricated classrooms.

The plans have brought objections from Craven District Council, Skipton Town Council, Skipton Civic Society, Middletown Community Association and Yorkshire Water.

In addition, 50 letters of objection have been received as well as two petitions totalling 209 signatures.

Objections range from design matters to traffic concerns, its detrimental impact on local wildlife and a possible increase in anti-social behaviour in the area.

The county council has received six letters of support.

The planning meeting will be held at Herriots Hotel, Skipton, at 10am.