Work on a new road layout in Menston is expected to go ahead soon, despite decisions on part of the plans being delayed until September.

The creation of a roundabout at the junction of Bingley Road, Main Street and Menston Drive is set to get underway in the coming weeks, says a ward councillor.

Yet linked plans for double yellow lines close to the new roundabout and replacement car parking area nearby will not now go before Bradford Council's Shipley Area Committee until September.

The new road layout has been designed to tackle possible extra traffic generated by building on the former High Royds Hospital site.

But the subsequent road scheme prompted opposition to the council taking a 50 metre long strip of land from Menston Park to use as a lay-by.

A restriction to stop drivers parking too close to the roundabout for road safety reasons means several shops and businesses will be deprived of customer parking space, prompting the lay-by plan to provide alternative short-term parking.

The lay-by plan was originally expected to go before July's Shipley Area Committee meeting, but was postponed to enable officers to prepare a joint report on both the lay-by and the need for double yellow lines.