The discovery of a dead otter on the outskirts of Skipton has astonished nature lovers and staff at the Environment Agency.

The body was found near Eller Beck, close to Waltonwrays Crematorium, on Thursday and has been sent to Cardiff University for a post-mortem examination.

Otters are one of the rarest mammals in the UK, having been hunted to the point of extinction early last century.

As a result, they are notoriously shy of human contact so the discovery of the carcass, less than a mile from Skipton town centre, has caused considerable excitement.

Environment Agency biodiversity officer Ellie Andisons said: "Otter sightings are so very rare and the discovery of a dead one could be very important.

"The agency has a contract with Cardiff University, which is tracking the spread of otters and, hopefully, will be able to establish the cause of death."