A mum and daughter who share a little-known blood disorder will be two of the main players in a production to raise money to help other sufferers.

Dancer Lauren Scriven, 11, will play the lead role of Gabriella in a half-hour production of songs from the hit show High School Musical in a charity performance at the Priestley Theatre in Little Germany, Bradford, later this month.

And mum Sarah will be watching from the wings as one of the directors of Take The Mic, a show organised to raise funds for BD Kids, a charity which provides trips away for youngsters with blood disorders.

Both have been diagnosed with Von Willebrand's disease, which means they could suffer severe bleeding if they cut or bruise themselves.

For Lauren, a pupil at Allerton Primary School, that means she has to be careful when playing with friends or following her love of dancing.

Sarah, who has also has an eight-year-old son, Rhys, said money raised from the spectacular will bring more joy into the lives of children like Lauren.

Sarah, of Lower Grange, Bradford, said: "I am involved with this charity because we both have a blood disorder which affects a lot of aspects of your life. I used to have constant nose bleeds, and Lauren has had to go to hospital when she has fallen.

"All the money raised will pay for the kids to get together for social events, to go to the pantomime at Christmas or on other trips. It gives them a chance to go somewhere and chance to do something which makes them feel normal."

The Take The Mic benefit concert will include Yorkshire-based country singer Emma King, who has just returned from a tour of America with her band, The Heartsets.

Bradford's Re-Invention theatre group will perform excerpts from Chess The Musical, and Halifax singer and guitarist Roger Davies will also take the stage.

Lauren said she was excited about joining the top acts, but admitted there was just one thing missing - a male lead to play Troy, the captain of the basketball team in High School Musical.

She said: "I've got to sing all the songs, like When There Was Me And You, and Breaking Free.

"I am excited but I'm also kind of nervous about who the boy is going to be."

The schoolgirl has been training at Shipley's Vogue dance studio in Kirkgate. Studio owner Vicky Marjanovic said: "The children are working really, really hard. Most will be doing 13-hour days, including more practice at night after summer school every day.

"There has been so much work gone into it so far in such a short space of time, but everyone really wants to do it. It is for a very good cause and we are all looking forward to it."

Sam Collier, leader of the award-winning Re-Invention theatre group, which has organised the event, said: "I think it is wonderful that we can all get together and support this local charity. It is an event for everyone and is full of variety."

Take The Mic will be at The Priestley at 7.45pm on August 11.

Pre-booked tickets cost £5 or £3.50 for children and senior citizens. Tickets on the door cost £7 or £5 for concessions. They are available by calling the box office on (01274) 820666.

Any boys wishing to take the part of Troy, or another male lead, should contact Sarah Scriven on 07770 810377.