Haunted houses were once merely the preserve of fireside tales and spooky stories, but since the runaway success of the television show Most Haunted, phantoms have found themselves in the spotlight and in demand more than ever.

The formula for the show is simple: jumpy former Blue Peter presenter Yvette Fielding and a team of technicians, psychics and paranormal experts tour allegedly haunted buildings and use night-vision cameras, temperature detectors and bits of string to try to record definitive proof of things that go bump in the night.

Although a full-blown Jacob Marley has yet to materialise rattling his chains, the show claims some modicum of success with strange noises, sudden bangs, and glowing pin-pricks - light anomalies or orbs - which are meant to herald an imminent spirit manifestation.

The show has already made its way to Bradford's reputedly haunted Bolling Hall, and while you might not be able to join Yvette and the team on their spooky filming sessions, a mini-industry has leapt up in Most Haunted's wake to ensure you can experience the next best thing.

At least two "ghost hunting" expeditions are to be held at Bolling Hall over the next few weeks.

The first takes place on August 11, from 8pm until 6am with special guest medium Ian Lawman, star of Living TV's Most Haunted, itself.

The event is in in aid of McMillan Cancer. Raffle tickets will be on sale on the night to win a Private Reading with a medium and all the proceeds will go to McMillan Cancer.

This ghost hunt is organised by North West Spirit Seekers and costs £65 per person, which includes exclusive access to the hall, refreshments served through the night and a cold supper buffet, and important use of that all-important ghost hunting equipment.

To while away the hours waiting for headless horsemen and grey ladies to appear, there will also be an informative tour with a historian, a medium workshop with Ian Lawman and a debriefing discussion following the all-night vigils and paranormal experiments.

The next event, on Saturday September 15, is by Paranormal Tours, who make their first visit to Bolling Hall. Their event is limited to 24 participants, places cost £99 per person and include all activities, use of equipment plus supper and refreshments throughout the night.

Kerry Marsay, event organiser for Paranormal Tours, said: "The event will start at 8pm and last until 6am. Although staying awake until 6am may sound difficult, with a full programme of activities, and the potential for ghostly experiences, there is unlikely to be a dull moment."

During the event, participants are given an introductory workshop and training in the equipment they will use for conducting experiments including meters to measure changes in frequency, thermometers, motion detectors, and devices to record electronic voice phenomena' i.e. ghostly sounds. All ghosthunters are invited to bring their own digital cameras and night vision equipment to assist them. In addition to the scientific equipment, the group will be able to speak to a local historian to gain factual information about the property's past, plus utilise the services of an experienced medium to communicate with any presence they detect.

Kerry said: "To maintain objectivity, the medium that will be joining the event has never visited Bolling Hall before. Also, they will not be told to which property they are going to ensure advance research can not be carried out which could prejudice the investigation.

"We are really excited and privileged at the prospect of investigating it. Sceptics and believers alike tend to leave our events with far more questions than when they arrive. Whether people join the investigation to indulge an existing interest, satisfy their curiosity or see it as a personal challenge to stay in a haunted house for a night, this investigation will be an experience not to be missed."

Bolling Hall was first mentioned in the Domesday Book in 1086, so there's plenty of history to provide some interesting ghosts. The most famous spiritual manifestation is, of course, the spook that appeared to the Earl of Newcastle during the English Civil War when it implored him to "pity poor Bradford!" and not visit death and destruction on the city. He was, according to all records, pretty shook up, but went ahead with an albeit scaled down massacre anyway.

Industrialist and social reformer Richard Oastler has also apparently been seen in spirit form - in 1861 one of the owners' sons awoke to see Oastler standing at the bottom of his bed - and by breakfast time his father had received a telegram saying Richard had died.

n For more information on the North West Spirit Seekers evening this month call (0151) 6474073 or

  • visit www.northwestspiritseekers.co.uk For enquiries about Paranormal Tours evening in September call 0871 2884026 or visit www.paranormaltours.com.