Bradford primary schools are leading the way in ending the British shyness for learning foreign languages.

According to latest Government figures 86.84 per cent of key stage two pupils - those aged seven to 11 - have the chance to learn another language within class time.

Nationally 81.38 per cent of pupils learn a second language but 1.80 per cent of schools did not reply meaning those missing out could be higher or lower.

Bradford is making more headway than Leeds where only 79 per cent of students are learning a language. In Calderdale the figure is 85 per cent, Kirklees 80 per cent and Wakefield 87.1 per cent.

A spokesman for Education Bradford said: "Over the last two years an increasing number of children in Bradford Schools have had the opportunity to learn an additional modern foreign language, in particular French and Spanish."

Education Bradford said the increase was made possible after by employing a modern foreign language consultant.

By 2010 all Bradford primary school pupils will learn a modern language at school. The Government announced in March they were backing the recommendations by Lord Dearing that all children should be taught an additional language from the age of seven.

There is no immediate move to reverse the decision to make languages optional beyond 14 - despite a sharp fall in the number of pupils taking GCSEs in them.

Other areas across the country have a long way to go to improve the situation. The official figures show only 20 per cent of students in Southampton schools are learning a foreign language and 16.67 per cent in Portsmouth - making the areas the two worst in the country. Camden has a 100 per cent record of teaching their students languages.

A spokesman for Education Bradford said: "The modern foreign language consultant worked with schools and provided various strands of support.

"The consultant ran conferences for headteachers to raise awareness, worked in schools supporting teaching staff and also made DVDs of good practice for teachers to watch.

"There was also a steering group which consisted of school improvement officers and headteachers who worked with the consultant to develop a strategy for this to be implemented in schools."

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