A pioneering new tool means people can be assessed for equipment, such as stairlifts and adapted baths, from the comfort of their own homes.

ADL SmartAssist is a new website set up by Bradford Council's Adult Services department in partnership with ADL Smartcare.

It will enable people to self-assess for specialist equipment using the same system as an occupational therapist. It can be accessed on www.self-assess.co.uk/bradford By answering a few questions users can find out whether they would benefit from getting specialist equipment in their homes, whether they have the space for a piece of equipment and how to get hold of it.

The website means anyone wondering whether they need specialist equipment, such as grab rails, bathing equipment, bath lifts or other items to help make life easier can find out without having to make an appointment with an occupational therapist. The service can be assessed on home computers at any time, public libraries, Disabilities Equipment Bradford (Shipley), One-Stop Shops or any public access computer.

Coun Dale Smith, executive member for Adult Social Care, said: "Nearly 75 per cent of people who need specialist equipment to live independently in their own homes purchase it without seeing an occupational therapist."

All information is treated confidentially and is not used for any other purpose. Depending on the answers given, some people will be advised to go to a clinic for a health check.

The ADL SmartAssist is being officially launched at an event tomorrow on Friday at Disability Equipment Bradford, 103 Dockfield Road, Shipley. The event runs from 10am to noon.