THERE was a buzz of excitement outside the former Odeon in Bradford tonight as Doctor Who fans were treated to a free screening of the cult science-fiction programme’s Christmas Special.

For the first time in 17 years, the public was allowed inside the building which was last used in 2000.

It is currently at the centre of a major funding bid to restore it as a live music venue in a £20 million refurbishment scheme.

Tonight’s screening came after the BBC fell in love with the venue.

Viewers were treated to an original Tardis prop, Doctor Who music and atmospheric snow and ice as they made their way to the seats.

First through the door was Tim Barlow and his daughter, Emily, 13.

“It’s fantastic, and I have ticket number one which I’ll keep as a memento,” said Mr Barlow.

Janet and Andrew Sayers, from Clayton said:”It’s 50/50 excitement to see the programme and to see inside the Odeon again. We’re looking forward to its redevelopment,” said Mr Sayers.

Dedicated Doctor Who fan Andrew Wooding, from Sheffield, was there with his son, Edward.

“I have all the CDs, books and videos of Doctor Who and also organised a Doctor Who convention in Sheffield eight years ago.”

Taking a prop of his own was 10-year-old Thomas Jagger, of Bradford, who posed with his own sonic screwdriver next to the Tardis.

Mum, Emma, said: “He has been a fan of the programme since he was two. He’s had all the toys. I didn’t tell him he was coming until yesterday and he has been so excited.”

The audience saw Peter Capaldi in his last appearance as the twelfth Doctor, but only a hint of his successor, the first ever female Doctor, Jodie Whittaker, to save the surprise for the Christmas Day showing on BBC1.

The fact the new Doctor is a woman was accepted by the fans.

Sam Balderstone, 13, who was at the viewing with his parents, Chris and Jane, and sister, Holly, 11.

“I think it is quite an exciting change,” he said.

Mr Wooding said: “It is absolutely right we should have a female Doctor. A Time Lord is gender fluid; an alien. He can be anything.”

Mark Nicholson, of Bradford Odeon Regeneration Group concluded: “I think the event is an interesting paradox. Both Doctor Who and the Odeon are on the cusp of major regeneration.

“This event has been an ideal Christmas gift for Bradford.