A DRIVER who was chased by police after he waved at officers while drinking alcohol behind the wheel will be sentenced next month.

Kye Revitt, 32, of Broadstone Way, Holme Wood, Bradford, was seen driving a Vauxhall Insignia in Bradford on November 19.

Prosecutor Alisha Kaye told Bradford Crown Court that after Revitt gesticulated to officers and shouted “come on” towards them, they gave chase, with the pursuit taking in roads including Leeds Road, Lumb Lane, and Wakefield Road.

After police stopped his car, a number of officers tackled Revitt to the ground, at which point he was said to strike out and hit PC Paul Conroy in the face.

The Recorder of Bradford, Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC, ordered a full pre-sentence report for Revitt, who pleaded guilty to dangerous driving. He will be sentenced on January 9.