The mother and sister of shooting victim Skander Rehman came face to face with his alleged killers for the first time yesterday.

Samina Hussain and her 15-year-old daughter Arzoo Rehman stared intently at the two men in the dock as they appeared in court to deny the murder of Skander.

The University student, 20, died in February, two days after he was shot in the head at Brackenhill Park, Lidget Green.

Skander, who was studying IT management at the University of Bradford, lived with his mother and sister in Girlington, Bradford. Yesterday Samina and Arzoo, along with other members of the family, sat in the public gallery at Bradford Crown Court, as 20-year-olds Feroz Khan and Toqueer Ahmed had the murder charge put to them for the first time.

Khan, of no fixed address, and Ahmed, of Aberdeen Place, Lidget Green, Bradford, both pleaded not guilty to the murder of Skander on February 26 this year.

Ahmed, who was dressed in a white T-shirt and jeans, stared straight ahead with his arms folded during the 20-minute hearing before the Recorder of Bradford, Judge Stephen Gullick, QC.

Khan, who wore a dark casual top and trousers, frequently gazed across at the public gallery. The court heard the murder trial had been listed to begin before a High Court judge in Leeds on October 2.

The trial is expected to last at least two weeks with more than 20 witnesses due to give evidence.

Judge Gullick remanded both men in custody to await their trial.

Mrs Hussain and Arzoo were supported in court by police family liaison officers. Mrs Hussain gave birth to a baby girl, Falak, six weeks after the death of her only son.

She has told the Telegraph & Argus how Falak is helping her cope with the loss of her son.

Last week Arzoo bravely fought back tears as she paid a big-screen tribute to her brother at a special assembly at her school.

The teenager put together a film, which was shown to students and staff at Nab Wood School, Cottingley, to warn fellow pupils about the dangers of gun crime.

During the assembly Arzoo was presented with a plaque, commemorating her brother, paid for with contributions by pupils and organised by head girl Rukhsana Ghulan, 17.

e-mail: steve.wright