For some it may just be another day but for others tomorrow has very special connotations.

Brides and grooms will be hoping to be in seventh heaven and those not too unfamiliar with the odd wager will be hoping lady luck will be smiling on them.

For tomorrow is the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year of the millennium - or 7/7/7.

Throughout history the number seven has had a certain mystique - it runs throughout religions, mythology and magic, often symbolising perfection.

That is why Tracey Harvey and Andrew Bellard, from Dudley Hill, Bradford, were so pleased when they realised they could get married tomorrow.

Tracey, 40, said they originally planned to wed on a different date but when they saw Saturday, July 7, was free they jumped at the chance.

She said: "We went to the register office and asked to swap the date. When we were looking at the book it looked a bit full, so I guess we got there just in time.

"One good thing about it, though, is that at least he won't forget the date of our anniversary!"

The couple are just one of many holding wedding receptions in the district tomorrow.

Pam Midgeley, additional superintendent registrar for Bradford Register Office, said: "It is a busier-than-average summer Saturday with 25 marriages booked into the registrar's or approved premises.

"We understand it is supposed to be a special day for people getting married but all wedding days are special to the couples involved.

"Some couples have said to us they have picked this day because it would be easy to remember in future years."

Mohammed Riaz - commonly known as Ray, manager of Royal Amusement and Bingo, in Westgate, Bradford - thought tomorrow might be a little extra special for his customers. The 37-year-old said: "We certainly think it will be one of the luckiest days for our customers.

"We will actually be holding a bit of a party as the seventh of the seventh, 2007, is not going to happen again. The number has always been lucky for me, so I think I may have a bit of a go myself."

Of course, July 7 had sobering connotations two years ago when terrorists chose the date to launch a devastating bomb attack on London.