Former Bradford Park Avenue footballer Daniel Sheriffe, who is facing jail for heroin dealing, must now wait until September to learn his fate.

His sentencing hearing was further adjourned at Leeds Crown Court today to resolve a legal matter.

Sheriffe, 26, of Hamilton Avenue, Chapeltown, Leeds, pleaded guilty in April to supplying class A drugs on August 21 last year.

He had previously been warned by a judge that he faces a custodial sentence.

Sheriffe was jailed for three and a half years in 2005 for the manslaughter of student Jose Augusto, 17. Mr Augusto suffered fatal head injuries when Sheriffe punched him outside a Leeds nightclub in August 2004.

Sheriffe was granted bail on condition that he lives at his home address, reports to the police, does not apply for international travel documents and surrenders his passport.

The case will next be heard at the court in the week beginning September 10.