Addingham Gala takes place next Saturday when all eyes will be on the parade.

It will leave the Craven Heifer at 1.30pm to wend down Main Street, bringing this year's theme The World of Children's Literature to life.

Adventure stories, recent classics, older favourites - all are being re-created for the day. A host of unforgettable characters from favourite stories may also be spotted on the house and business frontages as the village decorates Main Street to fit with the theme.

The Burnley Alliance Silver Band will play the parade on to the field and there will be some musical surprises parading down the village as well.

On the gala field from 2pm the theme continues with a story-telling tent in which children can sit and listen while parents have a cream tea.

Gala entry costs £3 for adults, under 18s free. For further information contact (01943) 435110.