A Falklands War veteran who sexually abused young girls was today starting a four-year jail sentence.

Bradford Crown Court heard how the four girls, who were between 12 and 16 years old at the time, were sexually assaulted by John Dent between 2002 and 2005.

Often he would walk around naked or with just a towel around his waist. He told some of the girls he was a naturist and was an expert at massage.

Dent, 46, formerly of Clare Road, Wyke, Bradford, was convicted by a jury in May of six offences of sexual assault, six of having indecent images of young girls, one of indecent assault and one of committing an act of gross indeceny with a child.

Passing sentence, Judge Robert Bartfield told Dent he had effectively groomed the girls for abuse under the guise of being a naturist and adept at massage.

"I bear in mind your previous good character and the fact that you are a Falklands veteran who has given distinguished service to your country," said the judge. "But this is not a question of an isolated lapse."

Because he was not able to own up to what he had done, the girls had had to re-live their experiences in front of a jury and face claims that they were lying.

The 251 images downloaded on to his laptop and his home computer were mainly at the low levels 1 and 2, but one was at the highest Level 5. The girls had seen some of the images as they were downloaded.

Judge Bartfield told Dent: "It is likely that the long sentence I am about to pass will restrain you from giving way to these tendencies again."

Stephen Uttley, mitigating, said his client was "in the thick of it" during the Falklands campaign. He was a man of good character and the jury's verdicts had devastated his family.

Dent was also placed under a lifelong Sexual Offences Prevention Order and will have to sign the Sex Offenders' Register for the rest of his life.