Greetings, Planeteers! Captain Planet here, the eco-friendly super-hero dedicated to saving the planet...with your help!

This week I need to give a Captain Planet high five to the children at Ingrow Primary School, near Keighley, for their work growing vegetables on a patch of land at their school.

They've been helped by the wonderfully named Kim Green from Oakworth, who has set up her own not-for-profit business called The Natural Classroom, aimed at teaching children to care for the environment.

Well done to all the children who have taken part, and a special Captain Planet vote of thanks to Kim - I need more Planeteers like you if I'm going to save the Earth!

  • Are you doing your best to save the planet? Then send your stories and pictures to me, Captain Planet, care of the Features Department, T&A, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1JR, or e-mail editorial.features@bradford.newsquest.