I don't know why but visions of Scooby Doo and his gang sprung to mind.

Listening to the baffling verdict from the Sheffield United appeal committee, I could see the bad guy getting carted off by the coppers after another successful mission from the Magical Mystery machine.

You know the bit at the end where the phantom "phantom" - because he's obviously never really a ghost - turns and curses at his captors. "I'd have got away with it, too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids" Now try to bear with me here. But compare the cartoon frustration of the foiled felon with the words of the Premier League's arbitration panel.

While expressing complete sympathy with the Blades over "Tevezgate", the report added somewhat bizarrely: "It is doubted that the FAPL or anyone else foresaw the spectacular results of the last three matches which saved West Ham from probable relegation."

In other words, if it wasn't for that meddling Argentinian and his happy Hammers, then the powers-that-be would have got away with their botch job over the original punishment.

The panel agreed with Sheffield United that the controversial deal between West Ham and the part-owner of Carlos Tevez "may not have been legally watertight".

They also agreed that points would have been taken off had it been their call.

Most damningly, they suggested that the Premier League were caught out by West Ham finishing with three wins on the bounce, Tevez scoring in them all. That clearly wasn't in anybody's script.

Sympathy is all they can offer Bramall Lane. There will be no top-flight reprieve and, for now, little sign of a hefty wedge of compensation.

You can guarantee this saga will drag on with Sheffield United, now feeling fully vindicated, prepared to take their battle to the High Court.

How long will this go on? I haven't got a "scooby".