Keighley Police are urging motorists to remove all valuables from their vehicles when they leave them unattended.

PC Adrian Foyston, crime reduction officer for Keighley, said: "There have been a number of vehicles broken into and property stolen.

"Power tools and satellite navigation equipment continue to be the main target for thieves."

PC Foyston gives the following tips to avoid being a victim of car crime:

  • remove valuable items from your car
  • if you have a garage, use it to lock your vehicle away
  • lock your car doors and close your windows - even if you are leaving your vehicle for a couple of minutes
  • if you park your vehicles in driveways or at the roadside overnight, buy a security device such as a steering wheel lock
  • park in a well-lit place
  • never leave sat-nav cradles in view, remove both the system and cradle.