AN MP has renewed his calls for the Union flag to be flown on mosques in Bradford as the country stands united against terrorism.

Shipley MP Philip Davies has called on religious leaders to follow the lead from a Mosque in Birmingham which proudly flew the flag on its balcony.

This week, Prime Minister Gordon Brown ordered all Government departments to raise the British flag and called for all public buildings to follow suit.

Mr Brown hopes the patriotic gesture will create a unified sense of Britishness, sending out a strong message to terrorists.

Mr Davies said: "Mosques in Bradford who did not want to do this when I suggested it should reconsider their decision. It is a great unifying move."

In March Mr Davies tabled a Commons motion urging the move after the former chairman of the Australian Prime Minister's Muslim reference group, Ameer Ali, pushed the Australian Muslim community to fly the flag outside the nation's mosques as an expression of "loyalty" and commitment to the country.

One of Australia's most respected female Muslim leaders, Aziza Abdel-Halim, said displaying a national flag outside mosques would not conflict with Islamic teachings.