Up to 1,500 new jobs could be created after plans for a £30 million high-tech business park were approved at a meeting of the Shipley Area Panel.

The development on a three-hectare disused Greenfield site off Keighley Road, Bingley, opposite Bingley Grammar School, will play a role in the Airedale Masterplan to regenerate the area.

Developers, Bingley Technology Park Limited, yesterday got permission to go ahead with its proposals, subject to three new conditions.

The site stretches beyond Keighley Road, to the railway line, and borders homes in Longwood Avenue and Howard Street on two sides.

Presenting the plans to the panel, Shipley planning officer Peter Bridgman said: "The development will consist of a three-storey block, 30 metres from the back of properties in Howard Street, with two-storey buildings around an adjacent court yard.

"This will be the hub of the development and includes meeting rooms and an Internet café off Keighley Road. There will be further, two to three-storey buildings further down the site with an office headquarters facing onto the railway at the bottom."

He said there would also be 32 two-storey work-live units', designed for people who work from home. In each unit the ground floor will be designated work space, with residential space upstairs.

An on-site crèche for 40 children will cater for working parents and could be increased top meet demand for places from within the local community.

Councillors voted in favour on the conditions that building materials are agreed with Bradford Council. To encourage people to use public transport, the developers agreed to pay for 32 Metro travel cards for dwellers in its work-live units' at a cost of £16,000, or alternatively, to contribute £20,000 towards this provision.

A final condition was that the row of units planned to be built 11 metres from a residential property in Longwood Avenue, are to be distanced further away and revised plans are subject to the Council's approval.

Councillor Lynne Smith (Wibsey, Labour) said: "We don't live in an ideal world and there may be some element of extreme traffic but otherwise it seems exciting, it's the future, something new and is far better than a retail park."

John Steel, for Bingley Technology Park Limited, said: "What we are looking at is the chance to offer 1,000 new jobs for a capital investment of £30million. It is a very sensible site next to Crossflats train station and with good business access."

Speaking outside the meeting, Stephen McManson, a director of Bingley Technology Park Limited, said: "We are delighted the plans were approved and we hope to start work on site in four months."

Peter McManson, co-director of the firm, said: "It will be served by high-speed cabling which will deliver the Internet at eight times your average broadband speed at home."