Pupils from Eldwick Primary School have seen the beginning of work on the refurbishment of the village's recreation ground.

The project, which is expected to be completed by early August, involved extensive community consultation and input from the children themselves as to what they wished to see on the site.

The children helped design the new play areas which are being installed by Bradford Council's Culture, Tourism and Sport Department.

The Council is also installing new paths, bins, benches and entrances on both recreation grounds and a conservation area at Gilstead later in the year.

It has also submitted a bid to the Football Foundation to improve drainage to both playing pitches at Eldwick, and provide new changing facilities for Eldwick and Bingley Junior Football Clubs.

The improvements have been funded by developers of local housing schemes, under section 106 of the planning act, which makes it incumbent upon builders and developers to invest in the existing recreational facilities when they develop a site. The amount of funding is proportionate to the scale of the development - in this case £250,000.

External funding was also obtained from the WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental Limited) and Biffa landfill tax credit schemes.

Gillian Biggs, of Council's Parks and Landscapes department, said: "There has been an awful lot of development in the Eldwick area. There has been lengthy consultation with the community over the last 12 months, and schools in Eldwick and Gilstead have been involved.

"The Eldwick project is due to be completed next month, weather permitting, and the Gilstead project is due to start next week."

Councillor Anne Hawkesworth said: "The children have already been involved in improving the park by planting primulas and daffodils as part of the Marie Curie Field of Hope, and it is nice to see them take an active role in improving the park. I am sure they will be delighted to see work start on the play area, and look forward to when they can use the equipment."