A woman who became involved in supplying Class A drugs has been warned that she could be locked up.

Samantha Harpin, 23, of Killinghall Road, Bradford, yesterday pleaded guilty to two counts of being involved in the supply of drugs and a further count of supplying heroin when she appeared in front of Judge Roger Scott at the city's crown court yesterday.

She also pleaded not guilty to three similar charges and prosecutor Richard Smith asked that those remain on her file.

Mr Smith said that Harpin had been caught as part of police operation back in February.

Barrister Kama Melly, defending, handed the judge a written basis of plea that was accepted by the prosecution.

Judge Scott released the defendant on bail and adjourned the case for reports to be prepared.

Harpin will return to the same court to be sentenced on August 16.

The judge warned her: "I don't know what's going to happen, all sentencing options are open to the sentencing judge."