A convicted sex attacker has repeatedly denied he raped a woman two years after being released from prison.

John Farrar, 38, was sentenced to eight years in 1998 after he was convicted of rape and was made the subject of a sexual offences prevention order on his release.

He came out of jail in 2004 and is now back in the dock charged with a similar offence alleged to have been committed last November.

But, at Bradford Crown Court today, Farrar denied he had attacked the woman and claimed sex had been consensual.

He is alleged to have grabbed the woman and dragged her into her bedroom where he attacked her.

The jury heard he held her hands down and put his hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming.

Asked by his barrister Rodney Ferm if the complainant, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, had struggled, screamed or said No,' Farrar simply replied: "No."

"We know that you had sexual intercourse that day." Mr Ferm continued, "The issue is whether or not she consented. Did she consent to sexual intercourse?"

"Yes," said Farrar.

"Did you grab her and take her by the neck and drag her into the bedroom?"


"Did you have to do anything to force her to have sexual intercourse with you?"


The jury has heard the woman was left with a cut head and lip but Farrar, of Newcastle House, Bradford, rejected her claim that he had slapped her across the face.

Farrar, who has pleaded not guilty to rape, has admitted three breaches of his sexual offences prevention order which bans him from being in the same house as any child under 16.

The trial continues.