A man accused of hitting a teenager round the head with a glass in a Bradford city centre nightclub has claimed that he was the one who was attacked.

Gulfraz Gulzar, 32, of Victor Street, Manningham, is alleged to have attacked Kevin Smith in Flares nightclub last October.

But giving evidence on the second day of his trial today Gulzar said that Mr Smith had gone for him. He told the jury that he had gone upstairs to try to keep out of his way but Mr Smith had followed him.

Gulzar described how Mr Smith had sat directly opposite him before he started to attack him.

"No conversation took place he just started throwing punches at me while I was sat down, " the defendant said.

Prosecutor David McGonigal has told the jury at Bradford Crown Court that as well as using the beer glass Gulzar had bit Mr Smith's cheek and tried to poke his fingers in his eyes.

But from the witness box Gulzar denied using any weapons and said that he had been acting in self-defence.

He said: "He started punching me but I moved out of the way and he smashed himself on the table, fell over and then got back up again.

"He grabbed me by my coat and by this time all of the drinks were all over the floor and he slipped and we ended up on the floor. I was trying to get free, I was trying to get myself up."

"I wasn't fighting," Gulzar said. "I was trying to get him off me."

Gulzar has pleaded not guilty to a charge of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and an alternative charge of unlawful wounding.

The trial continues.