A teenager, who attacked a lone mother of three in a "stranger rape", will have to wait to be sentenced after a probation report highlighted potential risks to the public.

Michael Mallinson, 18, of Longfield Drive, Dudley Hill, Bradford, was due to be sentenced at Leeds Crown Court today after he was convicted last month of rape.

But the Judge, Mr Recorder Alistair Macdonald, QC, agreed to postpone the sentence until next month for a psychiatric report on the defendant to be obtained.

The judge expressed concerns about part of a pre-sentence report by a probation officer which raised issues about the risk Mallinson posed.

He agreed to a request by Mallinson's barrister, Sarah Barlow, for a psychiatric report to be prepared, saying it would be unfair not to allow it before a final decision was made on sentencing.

The judge had already warned Mallinson, at the end of his trial at Bradford Crown Court, that he faced a substantial custodial sentence.

The trial heard how Mallinson dragged his victim into a garden in the early hours, forced her to the ground and threatened to stab her before raping her.

He had denied the offence and claimed the woman had offered him sex for £20.

Richard Mansell, prosecuting, told the court today Mallinson had a number of previous convictions, though none of a sexual nature. They included a conviction for assault causing actual bodily harm.

Mallinson was remanded in custody until the sentencing hearing next month.