The St John's Centre in Fagley has announced a month of events for the whole community.

On Mondays, 10am to 1pm, a beauty therapist Nicola is offering services at reduced rates alongside their usual Carer & Toddler session.

On Wednesdays 9am to 1pm a health trainer is available. Call 07931 358032.

On Thursday, July 12, from 10am to 1pm, there will be an Active Ageing display. The over-50s are invited to explore healthy living through some unusual forms of exercise.

Also on Thursdays, July 12 and 19, from 10 am to 1 pm an advisor from the Educational Advice Service for Adults will visit. Ring the centre on 631590 for more information.

Wednesday, July 18, will see the first Neighbourhood Walk at 9.45am. Walkers will move at a gentle pace to the Industrial Museum in Moorside Road. Ring 631590 to book a place.

On Thursday, July 26, 10am to noon, a Gadget Roadshow will display a range of devices available to help anyone with disabilities. These can help with tasks in the garden, kitchen, bathroom or bedroom.