An MP was today due to tell the Government that funding for special education needs should be allocated on individual need and higher sums not given to deprived areas.

Shipley MP Philip Davies was hoping to quiz Commons leader Harriet Harman during business questions over the need for change to the special educational needs (SEN) system.

He said: "I assumed school funding for SEN was allocated on need and based on individual assessment. But this is not happening. More education funding is going to deprived areas.

"If you have a child with need in Girlington there will be more money allocated than someone from Burley and Wharfedale. The socio-economic profile has nothing to do with a child's educational need."

Mr Davies hopes Miss Harman will tell him who is responsible for allocating the funding and whether it is simply Education Bradford acting on orders from central Government.

A spokesman for the newly-formed Department for Children, Schools and Families said each local authority must set its own education budget, taking account of local priorities.

He added: "Narrowing the achievement gap between children of different back-grounds will remain one of our key aims - we want all children to succeed, whatever their background. Ensuring that the distribution of funding takes account of deprivation will therefore continue to be a critical issue over the next three years, at both national and local level."