Thornton residents are preparing to take on developers and Bradford Council in a battle to prevent land next to the village's historic cemetery being built on.

In January, the Telegraph & Argus reported that a petition opposing development proposals on the 5.4 acre site had gathered more than 500 signatures.

The strength of opposition had appeared to have won the day, but the land, which is partly owned by the Council, has been put up for sale again.

Joe Kemp, 23, and his mother Sandra, who live next door to the cemetery, have been the driving force behind the protest. Mr Kemp said the land contained a large number of protected trees and wildlife which he fears would be destroyed should any development go ahead.

He said: "Last year my mum and her friend launched the petition to stop the development. I did the research for them. The site they are proposing is covered in protected trees.

"We don't have a problem with the housing per se but the cemetery and the land around it do need to be protected. There is a lot of wildlife there, from birds to squirrels, deer and newts. It is a beautiful area.

"There are a lot of strong feelings from people here about this site, people have loved ones buried in the cemetery and do not want to see it disturbed."

Ward Councillor Mike McCabe (Con, Thornton and Allerton) is backing residents. He said: "I feel this is very insensitive to the feelings of the community and as a local councillor I object to the proposed development.

"The site itself has been designated for housing for more than ten years, but we have tried to tell asset management that we are against the sale of the land outside that area. Unfortunately they haven't listened.

"This is a very emotive issue and needs to be dealt with sensitively. I feel there has been a lack of proper consultation here and I think the Council should withdraw the site from sale until consultation has taken place. Personally I think it should be left alone."

Mike Bell, the Council's head of asset management, said: "The land that has been put up for sale is mostly in private ownership but does include some Council land fronting Thornton Road, which will be used to provide access for the housing development.

"The majority of the land is allocated for housing use in the Council's Unitary Development Plan and is being brought forward for development to contribute to meeting the housing needs of the district.

"An extensive consultation exercise was undertaken when the Unitary Development Plan was drawn up and any objections will have been taken into account in deciding on the housing allocation.

"The land which the Council is including in the sale is surplus to the needs of the cemetery. It is intended that the cemetery gates will be re-positioned as part of the access improvements.

"I am aware of the objections that have been raised recently and will ensure that these are attended to with a view to alleviating local concerns."

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