A dad who saw his daughter glassed in the face, scarring her for life, has called for longer sentences for violent young criminals.

Anthony Carr, 18, was today starting a four-year sentence for smashing a pint glass in Debra Lee's face.

The judge at Leeds Crown Court told Carr he will be out on licence in two years.

Debra's horrified dad Wayne Lee saw Carr lash out and maim his 17-year-old daughter at a party at the Moorfield pub, Cutler Heights Lane, Bradford.

Carr, of Coll Place, Wibsey, was sent to a young offender institution yesterday.

Judge John Taylor told Carr that Debra believes she is permanently scarred.

Carr denied wounding Debra with intent to cause her grievous bodily harm on October 29 last year. He was unanimously convicted by a jury at Bradford Crown Court on June 8.

A jury rejected Carr's claim that Debra was struck in the face by a flying bottle.

Mr Lee, 41, of Holme Wood Road, Holme Wood, Bradford, said Carr should have been locked away for more than five years. Sentencing Carr, Judge Taylor said: "You took a pint glass which you thrust into her forehead. She believes she is scarred for life."

The judge said that as well as the physical injury to Debra, she was emotionally and psychologically harmed.

Prosecutor Bashir Ahmed said Debra was outside the pub at 11pm when her dad arrived. He was sitting in his car when Carr's brother smashed a glass and approached him.

Debra was standing between them to protect her dad when Anthony Carr came up from behind.

He emptied his pint glass, reached over the crowd and thrust it into Debra's forehead. The glass shattered causing a three-inch wound.

Carr fled but was arrested several days later.

His barrister Tahir Khan said he was not generally violent. He lacked maturity and was easily led.

He was 17 at the time and had a good job and a 16-month-old son.

But Mr Lee said afterwards that Debra had been left traumatised. She had lost confidence and was afraid to go out. When she did venture from home people were constantly asking her about the scar.

Debra gave evidence in court via a video link and fled the room in tears when her ordeal became too much.

Mr Lee said: "She is very frightened. Carr got what was coming to him, but the sentence is not enough.

"Debra is starting to pick up a bit but she is not the same girl. I would have thought he would have got more - at least five years. He's going to be out in two and Debra is scarred for life.

"I still picture seeing what happened to her. It doesn't leave me. I am very relieved he is locked up."

He said the younger generation no longer had respect for anyone.