A 32-year-old man has gone on trial accused of wounding a teenager with a beer glass in a city centre nightspot.

Gulfraz Gulzaris is alleged to have hit Kevin Smith, 19, on the side of the head with a glass last October.

Mr Smith was taken to hospital and had four or five stitches in a wound on his head.

Gulzar, of Victor Street, Manningham, Bradford, has denied wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and pleaded not guilty to a lesser charge of unlawful wounding.

Prosecutor David McGonigal told the jury at Bradford Crown Court yesterday that it was the Crown's case Gulzar intended to cause Mr Smith serious harm.

He said that as well as using a beer glass in the attack Gulzar had gone on to punch the complainant, bite his cheek and try to poke his fingers in his eyes.

"All those matters can make you sure the defendant was intent not just on causing injury, but really serious injury,'' said Mr McGonigal.

Mr Smith told the court how earlier that day, a man he later discovered was Gulzar's cousin had called at his home to "warn" him about his alleged behaviour towards another man.

Mr Smith then went out for the night with his cousin and met Gulzar in Flares nightclub.

He said he had a general chat with Gulzar, whom he knew, but said Gulzar's mood then changed.

Mr Smith said it was while he was sitting talking to his cousin that Gulzar sat down opposite him.

He alleged Gulzar lunged at him with the beer glass and it shattered as it struck him.

Mr Smith told the jury Gulzar continued to throw punches, bit his right cheek and tried to stick his fingers in his eyes.

During cross-examination Mr Smith rejected suggestions he had been drunk and aggressive and had started throwing punches at Gulzar. He also dismissed the idea he injured his head by falling against a table.

The trial continues.