A mother has told how her 12-year-old daughter has had suicidal thoughts after becoming the victim of bullying.

Valerie James said daughter Lauren had become the victim of repeat attacks by a girl of a similar age.

Mrs James, 50, of Stonegate Road, Eccleshill, said Lauren had been "kicked, punched in her face and dragged by her hair" by her attacker while she was walking home from Immanuel Community College, Thackley.

And she had to be taken to hospital earlier this week after being attacked by the same girl and her younger brother, who attend different schools.

Mrs James said: "She had to go to hospital because she had a big lump on her head and her eye was swollen. When I was at the hospital Lauren told me I wish I could kill myself'.

"The girl had her head against the floor and was punching her while her brother was trying to run over her head on his push-bike."

Lauren was brought home by a concerned resident who intervened.

Mrs James, who lives with her husband Andrew and ten-year-old son Kristopher, said Lauren did not feel safe in the area.

She said: "It has been going on for a while now. They used to be friends but now my daughter does everything she can to avoid her.

"She even goes out of her way when she is walking home from school so she doesn't bump into her.

"She hasn't played out for two years now and doesn't dare go to the shops. The only time she leaves the house alone is when she has to go to school."

Mrs James said she has called the police on numerous occasions, including last Friday when stones were thrown at their windows.

She said: "Lauren has told me how, when the girl was punching her on Monday, she was saying it was because we rung the police.

"My daughter doesn't go out anywhere causing trouble - all she wants to do is go to school and come home safely.

"She's not a fighter. She used to do karate but she doesn't dare fight back because she thinks she will get into trouble. We just want it to stop."

A West Yorkshire Police spokesman confirmed it was investigating the family's complaints.