Parents have just a few days left to have their say on their children's education.

An online questionnaire has been launched by Bradford Council's Young People and Education Improvement Committee to gather views on primary education in the district.

Nearly 200 people have already filled out the questionnaire, which is aimed at parents, governors, pupils and teachers. They have until Monday to complete it.

The questionnaire is part of a review of primary education in the district and can be accessed at

Councillor Andrew Thornton, chairman of the Young People and Education Improvement Committee, said: "I am very pleased that people have already taken the time to fill out the questionnaire - the numbers are very encouraging.

"Our aim was to get the views of a wide range of people across the district and it looks like we've gone some way in achieving that. I'm hopeful that we'll get even more responses over the next few days."

The review is looking at how Education Bradford and the Council serve the needs of the district.

A full report is due in October.