A convicted rapist accused of committing a further rape was expected to start his defence at Bradford Crown Court today.

John Farrar was sentenced to eight years in prison when he was convicted of rape in 1998.

Now Farrar is on trial charged with another rape but the 38-year-old claims that the woman complainant consented to sex with him.

Prosecutor Christopher Attwooll has told the jury that Farrar forced the woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, up to her bedroom.

It is then alleged he struck her across the face and held his hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming.

Farrar, of Newcastle House, Church Bank, Bradford, had been due to begin his evidence yesterday afternoon but after a point of law arose Judge Geoffrey Marson QC sent the jury home for the day.

When he was arrested after the alleged attack in November last year Farrar, who has pleaded not guilty to rape, admitted that he had had sex with the woman but claimed that she consented.

A doctor who examined the woman, said she had a cut to her head and lip but there were no physical signs of a sexual attack.

Farrar has already admitted breaching a sexual offences prevention order.

The trial continues.