Hundreds of girls who want to join Burley-in-Wharfedale Rainbows, Guides, Brownies and Rangers are stuck on huge waiting lists due to a shortage of volunteer leaders.

Burley's 15-strong Ranger unit was threatened with closure when its leader became ill. It has only been saved by the Burley Brownie leader taking over, leaving one of the village's two Brownie packs without a leader.

The village's Rainbow unit, for girls aged five to seven, is also struggling and has a waiting list of more than 50.

Wharfedale Guides spokeman Ann Peacock said the volunteer shortages were a national problem.

In Ilkley, two Rainbow units have had to be amalagamated into one, which has halved the number of girls who can join. And in Addingham there are no Guides or Rainbows because there are not enough volunteers.