A 47-year-old man has had his conditional bail renewed by a judge at Bradford Crown Court after he admitted two offences of sexual assault on a young boy.

Mark Hampton will now have to register as a sex offender with the police after today pleading guilty before the Honourable Mr Justice Walker.

As a condition of his bail Hampton must not have any contact with the complainant or his family and he must co-operate with the Probation Service which has been asked to prepare a report on him.

Hampton will return to court on July 27 for his sentence hearing, but Mr Justice Walker told him: 'I've asked for a pre-sentence report before I sentence you.

'Your counsel's asked for bail in the period between now and sentence. I'm willing to grant bail but that does not mean that the sentence will be a non-custodial sentence. All sentencing options are open.'' Hampton, of Abbey Road, Batley, had been due to stand trial on a total of five sexual allegations, but before a jury was sworn in he offered guilty pleas to two of the charges.

Prosecutor Heather Gilmore confirmed that the guilty pleas, which relate to offences against the boy between April and October last year, were acceptable to the Crown.

It is expected that the outstanding allegations will be left on the file when Hampton is sentenced.

The complainant, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was under 13 at the time of the offences.