Volunteers from Bradford are among hundreds of Yorkshire people who have devoted thousands of hours of unpaid work to help refugees in the region, it has been revealed.

More than 800 volunteers give around 150,000 hours of their time in the Yorkshire and Humber region each year, according to figures produced by the Refugee Council.

Charlotte Cook, head of operations for the Refugee Council in the region, said: "This research shows that Yorkshire's tradition of welcoming people fleeing from danger is still alive and kicking."

Student Action for Refugees (Star) in Bradford is one of these groups. It has eight volunteers and works within a network of similar organisations.

A spokesman for the group said: "What Star does is give support to refugees and asylum seekers and tries to dispel the myth that they are all scroungers and looking for an easy ride.

"We take time to help people with their asylum claims as, often, they cannot get free legal support.

"We also campaign on deportation issues and try to help people with their English.

"The important thing to get across for us is that people are not coming here as an easy ticket, this is a last resort and they are fleeing persecution and death, running for their lives."