A man has been thrown out of his home after a court heard claims that it was a "base" for using and dealing in hard drugs.

Bradford magistrates were today shown several anonymous statements made by people living near Philip Brady's first-floor flat in Bracewell Avenue, Allerton, Bradford.

One witness claimed to have seen drug users visiting the premises and to have heard them shouting "Hitler" through the letterbox, before being handed packages.

Another said it was believed the flat was being used as a base by drug dealers. Nearby, there were often empty cans and large soft drink bottles that had been adapted to make "bongs," used in the smoking of drugs.

The court also considered written evidence from PCs David Jackson and Victoria Iluk, as well as a number of police community support officers, stating that the area was being plagued by the activities of drug users and dealers.

An order was made under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003, closing down the flat until midnight on October 2.

Sajad Chaudhury, for Brady, said his 38-year-old client had had his problems and had done his best to tackle them.

"However, his past has come back to haunt him by previous associates," said Mr Chaudhury. "Fingers of suspicion have been pointed at him, in terms of the individuals that go to the address."