Anticipation is growing before the opening of a photographic exhibition of one of David Hockney's most dramatic works of art.

Mr Hockney, a freeman of Bradford, has designed and painted a BMW 850 CSi Art Car' and a print of the vehicle is now in storage in Bradford ready for the show.

A total of 22 prints of BMW Art Cars by many of the world's greatest artists will go on display in a gallery at the Great Victoria Hotel during the Bradford Classic Car Show, organised by Bradford Council for July 21 and 22.

Six prints will feature Mr Hockney's car, while video footage of him at work painting the car will be shown on television screens during the show. Mr Hockney designed the 380bhp 850 CSi in 1995, using his signature style of swimming pools, blue skies, palms and images depicting the sun.

He turned the car inside out, making it transparent through unique perception, with the bonnet sporting a stylised reproduction of the engine's intake system. The driver is visible through the door and a dachshund dog can be seen sitting on the back seat.

Bradford-born Mr Hockney said: "The car has wonderful lines which I followed. BMW gave me a model of the car and I looked at it time and time again. Finally I thought it would be a good idea to show the car as if one could see inside."

The exhibition has been sponsored by Tony, Nicky and Paul Bhogal who own electrical car parts re-manufacturing company Autoelectro in Leeds Road, Bradford. Tony Bhogal said: "Motor cars are our passion, so when we heard there were some incredible images and a video of David Hockney's work, we wanted to get involved. I'm sure everyone who visits the gallery at the Bradford Classic Car Show will love what they see - classic Hockney and classic cars."

The Council's executive member for regeneration, Councillor Andrew Mallinson, who is an amateur rally driver, said: "David Hockney's work is loved by so many people and it is wonderful to see such imagination being used to design a car."

The Hockney-designed car was intended solely as an exhibit and has never been driven. It is one of only 16 Art Cars designed by world renowned artists including Andy Warhol, Roy Lichten-stein, Frank Stella and Jenny Holzer.

The Art Cars reflect the developments in art history with regard to fine art, design and technology, and are displayed worldwide in major museums such as the Paris Louvre, the Royal Academy in London, the New York Whitney Museum of Modern Art, Venice's Palazzo Grassi, Sydney's Powerhouse Museum and the Guggenheims of New York and Bilbao.