Organisers of an annual walk to bring together different faiths and communities hope people won't be discouraged by the recent wet weather.

The annual Walk for Friendship is due to take place this Saturday and will call in on the Keighley Shared Church and the Shah Jalal Mosque in Temple Street.

People wanting to join the walk should meet in Town Hall Square, Keighley, at 2.30pm for a 2.45pm start.

However, from 4pm there is an additional wet weather option, consisting of a picnic and entertainment inside the Shared Church.

The Rev Peter Mott, chairman of the group, said: "Given the events over the last weekend, a commitment to peaceable co-existence is all the more important and we do need a good number of supporters whatever the weather."

Entertainment on the day will be provided by children from Steeton and St Andrew's primary schools and the Bangladeshi Community Association.