A children's adventure playground which has been a frequent target of vandals is among Bradford play areas which will benefit from a lottery grant of more than 1.4 million.

More than 55,000 children in Bradford look set to benefit from the 1,438,542 Big Lottery funding which will bring 15 play projects to life.

Bradford Council's Education Client Team, on behalf of the District Play Partnership, has been successful with its Bradford All to Play For bid. The money will be spent in the next two years.

Eccleshill Adventure Playground, off Harrogate Road, which has suffered regular arson attacks and damaged equipment since it opened last August, will be one site to get a share of the cash.

Volunteer Gary Hodgson said: "This is fantastic news, we have been doing a lot of building work but there is so much more we want to do on the site.

"We would really like to install a zip wire and build some more tree houses."

Another site to have a facelift is the play area next to Cullingworth primary school in School Street, Station Road.

Other projects are the St Ives Estate, skate parks and a mobile climbing wall, play provision for children and young people in hospital and for disabled children and installing equipment on five school playgrounds for use by the whole community.

District play champion Councillor John Cole (Lib Dem, Baildon) said: "We are delighted to have had our funding bid accepted and now we can deliver even more play facilities for young people in the district to enjoy.

"Youngsters are finding there are so many knock-on benefits from play with children, developing new skills, gaining in confidence and becoming more motivated to learn."

The executive member for children's services Councillor Colin Gill said: "We expect more than 55,000 youngsters will benefit from the play programme, which is a very important part of children's education and development."