A convicted rapist has gone on trial accused of raping again.

A jury at Bradford Crown Court has been told that John Farrar was sentenced to eight years in prison when he was convicted of rape in 1998.

Yesterday Farrar, 38, was back in the dock to face another rape charge.

Prosecutor Christopher Attwooll told the jury Farrar was already the subject of a sexual offences prevention order when he is alleged to have attacked a woman in November last year.

In opening the case to the jury, Mr Attwooll described how Farrar had slapped the woman across the face and held his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.

The court was told the defendant was at the woman's house when the alleged attack took place.

He had asked the woman for sex and although she refused Farrar would not take no for an answer, Mr Attwooll said.

He then forced her upstairs and pushed her onto the bed as the complainant, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was telling him to get off.

The jury was told he then went on to rape her.

"She was struggling throughout and said no stop it' and he slapped her across the face," Mr Attwooll said.

He described to the court how Farrar held his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.

After he had finished, the woman told him: "you have just raped me" and he said "sorry", it was alleged.

Mr Attwooll said the complainant was left with a cut to the temple and a cut inside her mouth and the jury were shown photographs of her injuries.

The woman confided in a friend about what had happened the day after the incident and Farrar, of Newcastle House, Church Bank, Bradford, was arrested.

In interviews with the police he admitted having sex with the woman but claimed that it was consensual.

He has pleaded not guilty to a single count of rape.

The trial continues.