A crucifix mounted on a community centre's wall has become too much to bear, a charity claims.

Pensioners activist Audrey Raistrick said the two-year-old organisation she set up to help improve the lives of older people in the city had no other option but to move out of the church where it was based - because she believes the cross outside is putting people off.

Mrs Raistrick, 80, said despite pleading with management at the Thornbury Centre, Leeds Old Road - which doubles as St Margaret's Church - to let her put up signs advertising the group they had refused.

She said: "There's nothing but a big crucifix outside which makes people think it's just a church. It's putting them off.

"We are paying £6,000 a year to be there but it's no good having a beautiful office if no-one knows you're there.

"I've tried again and again to get management to put up welcoming signs saying what else is in the building but they've refused because they said it would be a costly business."

Mrs Raistrick, who is keeping the organisation ticking over from her home in Westgate, Eccleshill, is worried that unless a new base is found she will have to hand back the last few thousands pounds of a £90,000 grant.

She said: "We're meant to be here to help older people but despite our efforts we have had very little response. The only conclusion I can come to is we've been in the wrong location."

Thornbury Centre manager Jane Trenholme denied Mrs Raistrick's claims.

She said: "We just hadn't got all the quotes in for any signs but the issue is in hand.

"As far as I'm concerned we have no problems bringing people - particularly Muslims - into the centre. They are more than happy coming in to our building regardless of there being a church here. If we're at fault for not bringing enough people into the centre, it's only because we're not putting on what they want."